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Specimen Insurance Policy Cancellation Letter

Below is a Specimen Insurance Policy Cancellation Letter that complies with Spanish legal requirements.  This can be copied and pasted and used as a template if you want to cancel an Insurance Policy.


La Compañia

Y Direccion






Estimado Sr / Sra

En conformidad con la Ley de Contrato de Seguro de España con (Ley 50/1980, del 08 de octubre), el artículo 22, por la presente doy el preaviso establecido para cancelar;

Póliza ******** en la fecha de expiración del 00/00/0000

Un cordial saludo




**************     en   **********    00/00/0000

Remember:  It is best to send the letter directly to the Insurance Company at the address shown on your policy documentation by Certificado (Recorded Delivery) and keep a copy of the receipt with your policy.  In the event the policy is not subsequently cancelled, you will have proof that your complied with the statutory legislation.



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